About TFM

Trans-Floor-Mations is a contract cleaning and floor care company committed to and founded on quality service.  That service is based on a simple philosophy of fairness— fairness to our clients, to our service staff, and to our company.  Our employees receive a fair wage and respect for quality job performance, our clients receive quality results at a fair price, and Trans-Floor-Mations benefits in qualified employee retention; satisfied clients, and manageable growth.  A management team committed to building people and ensuring the superior service our clients have come to expect is the basis of our success.

Established in 1993 as a floor care maintenance company, Trans-Floor-Mations has developed into a full scale janitorial company with a significant emphasis on floor care service.  We are a privately owned company based in Somerset, Kentucky, servicing clients throughout the Commonwealth.  The principals in the company have over twenty-five years of experience in the industry with a long track record of satisfied customers.

A commitment to excellence is our primary strength. Though the company continues to grow, that commitment is secured by the day to day involvement of the principals in providing client services, and proper training for management, services staff, and floor crews.